Bituminous Roofing System: BUR
Celotex Roofing For Use In:
Bituminous Roofing System: BUR
Built Up Roof (BUR) – A roof consisting of multiple plies of roof felts laminated together with bitumen. Built-up roof material can consist of bitumen-saturated felt, coated felt, polyester felt or other fabrics. A surfacing is generally applied and can be asphalt, aggregate (gravel or slag), emulsion or a granule-surfaced cap sheet.
- Commonly referred to as “tar and gravel” roofs
- Composed of alternating layers of bitumen and reinforcing fabrics that create a finished membrane
- The bitumen is typically asphalt, coal tar or cold-applied adhesive
- The reinforcing fabrics are also called roofing felts or ply sheets
- Surfacing for built up roof systems include aggregate (gravel, slag or mineral granules), glass-fiber or mineral surfaced cap sheets, hot asphalt mopped over the entire surface, aluminum coatings or elastomeric coatings
Standard UL Class A/FM 1-90 BUR System

- Metal deck
- ½” Structodek® HD fiberboard roof board (optional)
- 1 ½” rigid foam installation
- ½” Structodek® HD fiberboard roof board
- 3, 4, or 5 multi-ply BUR system
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