Maximize sound deadening power by using SOUNDSTOP® in homes and commercial buildings.
BLUE RIDGE FIBERBOARD is proud to announce SOUNDSTOP® is now UL certified for the 1-hour fire rating in a load bearing wall system when installed behind drywall. Our SOUNDSTOP® wall design is U387, details can be found on www.UL.com in their certifications directory.
1-Hour Fire Rating U387 Report
1-Hour Fire Rating U387 Design
BLUE RIDGE FIBERBOARD SOUNDSTOP® deadens sound transfer from:
Neighbor to neighbor: Shared walls and corridors.
Room to room: Noise-generating media rooms, workshops, laundries, and children’s bedrooms and playrooms; offices and conference rooms.
Outside in: Dogs barking, traffic and industrial noises, trains and airplanes.
Easy to afford SOUNDSTOP® adds great sale/resale value to single and multi-family home owners. Multifamily home owners benefit from SOUNDSTOP® by significantly deadening noise transfer through neighbors’ shared walls and corridors.
Nationally available SOUNDSTOP® achieves STC ratings of 42 and better when installed behind drywall.
SOUNDSTOP® is your earth friendly choice. The 1/2” x 4’ x 8’ or 9’ square edged fiberboard sheets are made of organic materials including hardwood fibers.
Check with code officials in your area. SOUNDSTOP® must be installed behind drywall.

By simply installing SOUNDSTOP® on both sides of a standard wall partition, you are able to achieve Sound Transmission Class Ratings (STC) of 50; that’s 15 points higher than your standard wall partition. Adding an inch of SOUNDSTOP® not only achieves high STC Ratings but will also add to the resale value of a home.
STC Ratings
• 50 Loud Speech Not Heard
• 45 Some Loud Speech Barely Heard
• 35 Loud Speech Heard; Not Understood
• 30 Loud Speech Fairly Well Understood
• 25 Speech Heard Through Walls or Floors
*STC of 50 achieved through laboratory testing. Field results vary but have been known to achieve ratings upwards of 70, dependent on wall system.
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